Month: August 2013

The tale of Plitvička jezera.

The tale of Plitvička jezera.

Paradise. Amen!    

The tale of Ann.

The tale of Ann.

My friend’s woman. One hour. No studio. No pro-lighting. Lots of laughing. A couple of photos. Good time. Can’t wait for another wave of spontaneity. Anyone? 🙂  

The tale of Hvar.

The tale of Hvar.

The lavender island. The miniature version of Dubrovnik. The cactus paradise. What is more to ask for? P.s. Oh, I’ve forgotten about something. It’s the place where I said ‘Yes’ to my man 🙂 I guess this is making it official to everyone 🙂  

The tale of Dubrovnik.

The tale of Dubrovnik.

Red tiles. High protective walls. Orange trees. Emerald water. The city of wonders. Have not seen anything more beautiful made by the hands of humans. It makes me smile, everytime I think of it.   P.s. Oh, did you know that they shoot Game of 

The tale of Split and Trogir.

The tale of Split and Trogir.

Split is an evil town. We got lost there. I had a sunstroke. Lots of tourists. Never going back again! Trogir, is a different story. Narrow streets (see a pattern here?), small boats in countless marinas. Lovely.  If only I had felt better… (I would 

The tale of Živogošće Blato.

The tale of Živogošće Blato.

Sea and mountains. Lavender and rosemary. Crabs and fish. Day and night. You won’t find a better place to rest. Croatia is like paradise.

The tale of Prague.

The tale of Prague.

Narrow streets. Smiling people. Delicious beer. Amazing architecture. Prague is one of my favourite European cities. Definitely not a one-time visit! Oh. And I had the meal of my life. If you ever visit Prague, you must go to Beas Dhaba (the one on Týnská Street