The tale of Plitvička jezera.
Paradise. Amen!
Amateur photography blog
My friend’s woman. One hour. No studio. No pro-lighting. Lots of laughing. A couple of photos. Good time. Can’t wait for another wave of spontaneity. Anyone? 🙂
The lavender island. The miniature version of Dubrovnik. The cactus paradise. What is more to ask for? P.s. Oh, I’ve forgotten about something. It’s the place where I said ‘Yes’ to my man 🙂 I guess this is making it official to everyone 🙂
Red tiles. High protective walls. Orange trees. Emerald water. The city of wonders. Have not seen anything more beautiful made by the hands of humans. It makes me smile, everytime I think of it. P.s. Oh, did you know that they shoot Game of …
Split is an evil town. We got lost there. I had a sunstroke. Lots of tourists. Never going back again! Trogir, is a different story. Narrow streets (see a pattern here?), small boats in countless marinas. Lovely. If only I had felt better… (I would …
Sea and mountains. Lavender and rosemary. Crabs and fish. Day and night. You won’t find a better place to rest. Croatia is like paradise.
Narrow streets. Smiling people. Delicious beer. Amazing architecture. Prague is one of my favourite European cities. Definitely not a one-time visit! Oh. And I had the meal of my life. If you ever visit Prague, you must go to Beas Dhaba (the one on Týnská Street …