Month: February 2011

The tale of identity.

The tale of identity.

When I get bored I start thinking (it’s totally unhealthy as I think about things I shouldn’t). Some time ago my friend asked me about things that would mark my identity. Here comes the thinking part. And after that here come the results. My daily 

The tale of the graveyard.

The tale of the graveyard.

My friend talked me into going for a walk to the graveyard in Stettin. And we did so yesterday. It’s huge. There are only two cemeteries in Europe which are bigger than the one in Stettin. It was cold. And depressing, as we got into 

The tale of two cavies.

The tale of two cavies.

Let me introduce you to Buka and Luka, my endless source of inspiration, laugh, love, and hope. Buka was saved from a laboratory, and Luka was taken away from a guinea pig mill, where she had to give birth three times, being less than eight 

The tale of winter.

The tale of winter.

Winter is the most beautiful season of the year. I love the snow and the sharp frost. However, this year winter seems to avoid my region and we don’t get much snow. As a kind of memoir I post some photos taken last year and 

The tale of insects.

The tale of insects.

I love bugs. As long as they don’t touch me. These are some very old photos taken with my old camera. I deprived the insects of colours as my personal revenge, the only revenge I could actually think of. I don’t approve killing, even in 

The tale of toned photos.

The tale of toned photos.

Months ago my friend discovered an application which allows you to create HDR images from one picture. It’s amazing. I wouldn’t be myself if I used it in the ‘proper way’. I was enjoying the application, moving the slides to the left and to the 

The tale of Patrycja.

The tale of Patrycja.

Stettin. The shipyard. Patrycja. And the blue eyes again. This is the ultimate proof! I’m officially a worshipper of blue eyes. The day was really foggy, rainy and cold. And Patrycja was so forbearing. These are not my fav photos, but they mean the world 

The tale of Tamara.

The tale of Tamara.

I met Tamara last year. It was summer. And I was taking part in workshops for amateur photographers. She has the most beautiful blue eyes I’ve ever seen. I think I might have a thing for blue eyes. She had been posing for ten minutes, 

The tale of Izabela.

The tale of Izabela.

It’s been a year since I asked Iza to pose for me. This week she has finally said ‘yes’. We’ve spent a great day, laughing, sharing stories, eating, and taking photos. No more beating about the bush, see for yourselves.